Do you have a burning question?
Human resources can be a complex and high risk area within an organisation. But you get access to senior HR professionals at a much smaller cost than hiring someone permanently.
Do you find that nothing is ever simple, situations are complex and you are concerned you will be hit with an unfair dismissal claim? At Ausena Business Consulting we offer you sound advice and practical HR support for any organisation or employer dealing with human resource, workplace and industrial relations issues. We can assist by providing:
- Guidance on current legislation including the Fair Work Act, Modern Awards, and Workplace Health and Safety
- Practical and commercial advice on Human Resources issues
- Answers to questions on all employee relations matters such as parental leave, carers leave, annual leave
- Assistance with performance management meetings
- Assistance with disciplinary actions for example, informal and formal warnings
- Advice and assistance with redundancies and terminations
- Assistance with conflict resolution from working issues through to bullying, harassment, discrimination and sexual harassment complaints
- Helping you manage unfair dismissal claims and mediation with Fair Work
Contact us today to find answers to your questions and solutions for your concerns.